A Junior Post-Doc position is going to be open early 2025
A Junior Post-Doc position is going to be open early 2025
A 3 years position with competitive salary (for Italian standards), net around 2.3kEuro/month.
Topics: R&D on RES-NOVA detectors, data analysis for sensitivity studies, and electronics benchmarking
Tesi triennali e magistrali
Tesi triennali e magistrali
Bachelor & Master theses
Bachelor & Master theses
Interessato ad una borsa di studio ?
Interessato ad una borsa di studio ?
Sono disponibili borse di studio di durata >3 mesi e <12 mesi per svolgere piccole attivita' sperimentali in laboratorio e per sviluppo software.
Incoming Erasmus student opportunities
Incoming Erasmus student opportunities
If you are an Erasmus student coming from abroad, and you are looking for an intership/tesi di laurea, get in touch!